Adventurous Journey Instructors Central Registration Scheme (CRS) aims to improve the standard and quality of AYP Adventurous Journey Instructors and enhance their legitimacy among Operating Authorities. It also aims to assist and encourage OAs to flexibly use of the existing manpower resources in AYP to organise Adventurous Journey courses.
2. What are the benefits of implementing CRS?
The success of CRS will benefit all from different aspects.
For the Award Scheme
Have a group of professional and uniformly standardized instructors to carry out Adventurous Journey activities
Strengthen the connection and communication among instructors of all Operating Authorities (OAs)
For Operating Authorities
Flexibility in the use of Instructor manpower resources
Insurance coverage for Instructors arranged by Award Headquarters
For Instructors
Enhance the legitimacy of Instructors among AYP and OAs
Motivation to improve standard by participating in self-enhancement courses
Receive information directly from Award Headquarters and other OAs (e.g. self-enhancement courses)
Protection by insurance coverage
For Participants
Participants can be benefited from the above both directly and indirectly
Regarding Registration Process
3. Why does it take 3 months to complete the registration process?
The three-month registration process is a performance pledge. If there are not many applications, the registration will be processed in less than three months.
4. I used to be an AYP Adventurous Journey Instructor, but I have left Hong Kong for many years. How can I register as an Adventurous Journey Instructor under CRS?
Instructors can apply for registration under special circumstances. The CRU will deal with each case individually after receiving the application.
Regarding Service Hours
5. Will the preparation time for training courses be counted into the service hours?
Only lectures and field works will be counted for service hours in general.
Regarding Self-enhancement
6. Does CRS provide self-enhancement courses for Instructors? CRS
Both the Adventurous Journey Section Panel and CRU will organise different talks, seminars and workshops every year, in which Instructors can choose as self-enhancement courses.
7. Which type of courses can be recognized self-enhancement courses?
According to the CRS Operations Guidelines, self-enhancement courses should be related to Adventurous Journey activities. Any courses that can enhance the Instructor’s knowledge of wild country activities and help in the Instructor’s teaching of Adventurous Journey can be recognized as self-enhancement courses, such as first aid, mountaineering, leadership and teaching skills/methodology.
8. Who can I contact if I have any questions about the self-enhancement courses?
Any questions about self-enhancement courses can be directed to the CRU Secretariat (tel: (852) 2157 8610).
9. Is it a must for Instructors to fill in the self-enhancement record form?
Instructors can submit other proofs (e.g. certificates) for the self-enhancement training they have attended. The record sheet is only designed for the instructor to use if needed.
Regarding Re-registration
10. When can I register again?
You can apply for re-registration 6 months before your registration expired.
11. How do I know the expiry date of my registration?
The registration expiry date is indicated on the Instructor Card. It can also be checked on the AYP website.
12. Will CRU remind Instructors of the registration expiry date?
CRU Secretariat will notify the instructors the start of re-registration by email 6 months before their registration expired. The Secretariat will send another email reminder 3 months before the registration expired if the Instructor has not yet re-registered by that time.
13. How can I get the re-registration application form? Where should I submit the completed application form?
The application form can be downloaded from the AYP website. The completed application form should be sent to your Operating Authority for confirmation and endorsement. The Operating Authority will send the endorsed application form to the CRU secretariat for re-registration.
14. I have submitted the completed application form to my Operating Authority 4 months ago, why haven't I received any notice about re-registration so far?
The registration process generally takes 3 months, which is counted after the CRU Secretariat receives the relevant application. You should first check with your Operating Authority the time it submits the endorsed application form to the CRU secretariat. If it has been taken more than 3 months, you can check with the CRU Secretariat (Tel: (852) 2157 8610).
15. If I did not provide services for my Operating Authority (OA) during my tenure of registration, but I have performed Adventurous Journey services at other OA for more than 30 hours, do I meet the requirements of re-registration?
CRS recognizes all services provided by registered instructors at any Operating Authority (OA). However, OAs may have its own administrative arrangements and requirements. For example, OA may require instructors to perform a certain number of service hours or take part in self-enhancement training at their own OA. In this case, since you did not provide any service to your OA at all, your OA may not endorse your application. You might ask the OA which you have provided services to endorse your CRS registration instead. By the way, CRU deems it is reasonable for the instructor to provide service for his/her OA in first priority.
16. It is difficult to accurately record all service hours or self-enhancement hours on my record form. Is there a simpler way to fill in?
It is not necessary for Instructors to submit all service hours or self-enhancement hours performed during his/her tenure of registration. He/she only needs to provide the supporting documents for the minimum required hours.
17. Can I apply for re-registration after my registration expired? What is the impact of registering after the registration expired?
CRS allows registered Instructors to apply for re-registration within 6 months after his/her registration expired; otherwise, Instructor’s application will be processed under the category “registration under special circumstances”. It should be noted that when the registration expired and re-registration has not yet completed, the instructor is not a CRS registered instructor and cannot take part in any AYP Adventurous Journey activities as an instructor. He/she has no insurance coverage too.