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Adventurous Journey Instructor Course 2024-25 (Chinese Only)

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國際獎勵計劃於2024年推行野外鍛鍊科規條更新,其中包括容許以混合多於一種旅程模式(遠足、單車及獨木舟)完成野外鍛鍊科旅程。因此,為鼓勵青年人於野外鍛鍊科有新的突破和嘗試,直屬執行處(AOA)及學校執行處(SOA)將於本年七月至十月期間合辦混合旅程模式(遠足+單車)銀章級導師訓練課程,旨在教授混合旅程模式的教學技巧、培育更多遠足及單車導師,推動新的野外鍛鍊科發展和嘗試。歡迎野外鍛鍊科遠足導師,或有興趣成為野外鍛鍊科遠足及單車導師行列的人士報名參加。 活動詳情  立即報名

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Dr.Irene Tang AYP Yunnan Residential Project Programme 2024 (Chinese Only)(Updated on 08/05/2024)

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獎勵計劃總辦事處一直致力為獎勵計劃參加者提供各地交流的機會。在鄧慕蓮博士AYP國際交流活動的基金資助下,獎勵計劃將於2024年8月13日至18日舉辦「鄧慕蓮博士AYP團體生活科活動–『歷』遊雲南」。是次六日五夜的活動,參加者將有機會到訪雲南別具文化特色和古樸風貌的地方,體驗不同民族的傳統活動,以及參觀當地百年企業。 活動詳情 立即報名  

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Dr. Irene Tang AYP Gold Level Croatia Adventurous Journey Training Course (Updated on 30/10/2023)

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With the support from Dr. Irene Tang AYP International Exchange Programme Fund, the Award Office is going to organize Gold Level Croatia Adventurous Journey Training Course. 24 Gold Level Participant will fly to Croatia in March 2024 to complete their assessment journey after training in Hong Kong. They can appreciate the natural beauties in Croatia and understand more about the Belt and Road Initiative between Croatia and China. Activity Details Online Application

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Silver Level Adventurous Journey Instructor Training Course 2023 (English-Speaking) (Updated on 28/08/2023)

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The Hong Kong Award for Young People (AYP) will organize Silver Level Adventurous Journey Instructor Training Course 2023 (English-Speaking) from October to December 2023. It aims to train up instructors to attain the qualification of Silver Level Adventurous Journey Instructors so that they can assist in organizing Adventurous Journey training courses for respective Operating Authority (OA) and promoting AYP. All interested participants are cordially invited to join the course. Details are shown below: Course Details Online Registration Application Form

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