In recent years, drone technology has advanced rapidly, with applications expanding globally. From recreational activities and STEM education to professional fields such as surveying, 3D mapping, aerial photography, search and rescue operations, cable inspections, drone light shows, and racing competitions, drones have become indispensable tools. The Hong Kong Award for Young People will host a 4-day 3-night Low-Altitude Economy and Drone Training and Certification Course for Hong Kong youth from June 17 to 20, 2025. Details are as follows: Program Highlights: CAAC Civil Remote Pilot License Course (Lightweight) Training and Certification Exam Drone Control Ground Station Operations: theoretical learning, assembly, and programming (industrial drone industry chain). Advanced Hands-on Experiences: Smart device control (robotic dogs, agricultural medium-sized drones). Exploring Low-Altitude Economy Opportunities: Focus on industrial drones and automated production lines in Mainland China. Drone Emergency Rescue Simulation Drills Enterprise Visits: Tours of leading drone companies. Cross-Border Student Exchange Activities Event Details: Date: June 17–20, 2025 Location: Tengfei Drone Training Field, Dongguan Fee: HKD 1,500 (Includes HKD 500 for transportation, meals, accommodation, and insurance + HKD 1,000 refundable deposit). Transportation: Round-trip high-speed rail travel from Hong Kong to Dongguan. Accommodation: Participants will stay in local hotels. Meals: All meals during the 4-day…
The 103rd Silver Award Presentation Recipients’ List is uploaded now. Should you have any inquiries, please call Ms. Ling Leung of the Award Office at 2157 8604. List of Recipients >>
香港青年獎勵計劃直屬執行處將於2024年12月至2025年12月舉辦射箭課程,參加者可藉此完成康樂體育科。課程旨在為對射箭有興趣的青年人提供一個更全面且系統的學習體驗,不論全新學習射箭還是有所認識,都可以從基礎的知識開始,逐步學習和提升技術水平。學員除了會學習更多有關射箭的正確姿勢、技巧及安全規則,還可在教練的專業指導下進行實戰練習和心理訓練,以提高射箭精準度和穩定性。 有興趣的青年人,可到以下網址查看詳情和報名! 活動詳情(附課程時間表) 立即報名
AOA is going to organize Adventurous Journey Training Courses (Hiking) 2024-25 from October 2024 to April 2025. They aim to encourage a spirit of adventure and discovery by having a challenging journey with an agreed purpose in the countryside. This year, we have one Silver Level Adventurous Journey Section Training Course which would be conducted in English. English Course: Courses Details (Bronze & Silver Level) Online Application Chinese Courses: Courses Details (Gold Level) Courses Details (Silver Level) Courses Details (Bronze Level) Online Application