
Events Report

Gold Award Presentation 2018 cum Celebration Dinner (3 December 2018)

By Events Report

Gold Award Presentation 2018 was successfully held on 3rd December 2018 (Monday) at Government House. The Honourable Mrs. Carrie LAM CHENG Yuet Ngor, GBM, GBS, the Chief Executive of the HKSAR, officiated and presented the Gold Award Certificates and Certificate of Recognition to 44 young people and 42 veteran volunteers respectively. A celebration dinner with the theme of “Let’s ‘Gold’ Together!” was organized to celebrate the achievement of the awardees and to encourage the recipients to contribute their talents to AYP continually. We are grateful to the tireless effort offered by Award Network for all the arrangements of the dinner. Gold Award Presentation Photo Album>> Celebration Dinner Photo Album>>

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5-Section Panels Gathering (13/10/2018)

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The 5-Section Panels Gathering organized by Award Programmes and Assessment Sub-Committee (APA) was held on 13th October 2018 at Café Bar on 8. The Award would like to take this gathering to appreciate all our volunteers’ great support over the past years. More than 50 volunteers joined the lunch gathering. Activity Report>> Photo Album>>

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PR Section Annual Seminar 2018 – “Application and Training in Physical Fitness” (10/10/2018)

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Seminar on “Application and Training in Physical Fitness” organized by the Physical Recreation Section has been successfully held on 10th October 2018, Wednesday at Pui Ching Middle School. It was our pleasure to have Dr. Lobo Louie, Associate Professor from the Department of Sport and Physical Education, Hong Kong Baptist University to be our guest speaker. The seminar attracted more the 60 Instructors and Assessors from different Operating Authorities. Activity report>>

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Dr. Irene Tang AYP Nepal Service Project 2018 (1-9/8/2018)

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A 8-day and 7-night culture exchange project to Nepal was successfully held between 1 August and 9 August 2018. 10 Hong Kong Gold Award participants traveled to different places in Nepal with 1 Nepal Gold Award holder. Participants visited Kathmandu, Namo Buddha and local schools to have different cultural exchange activities. Participants stayed in Nepali homes in Patlekhet to experience village life. During the trip, Hong Kong participants spent valuable time with local families and friends and built up friendship with each other. Activity Report>> Activity Report Slide>>

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His Royal Highness The Prince Edward, Earl of Wessex KG GCVO Hong Kong Visit- Communicate with awardees of AYP (08/06/2018)

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Third son of the Queen Elizabeth II, His Royal Highness The Prince Edward, Earl of Wessex KG GCVO visited Hong Kong on 8th June as the Chair of the Board of Trustees of The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award Foundation. During this historic visit, HRH The Earl of Wessex not only visited one of the school partner of The Hong Kong Award for Young People, Hong Chi Winifred Mary Cheung Morninghope School and officiated the unveiling ceremony of “Reading Train”, but also meet youngsters participating the Award, as well as Award Council members and other supporters in order to have a better understanding on the positive effects that this program has brought to their physical and mental development. Photo Album>>

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Canoeing Expeditions Route Exploration I – Exploration in Sai Kung(20/05/2018)

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Expeditions Section Panel will organize a series of Canoeing Expeditions Route Exploration activities in the year of 2018/2019 in order to explore routes and campsites for canoeing expeditions. The first exploration was successfully held in Sai Kung on 20th May, 2018 Sunday. Ten Expeditions Instructors canoed throughout the sea area in Sai Kung under the guidance of Mr. Lau Kwok Wah, our Senior Canoeing Expeditions Instructor. Activity report>>

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Expeditions Annual Seminar 2018 –Adventure Based Counseling Skills in Expeditions Activities(15/05/2018)

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Expeditions Annual Seminar on Adventure Based Counseling skills organized by Expeditions Section Panel was successfully held on 15th May, 2018 Tuesday at The Hong Kong Girl Guides Association Headquarters. It was a great pleasure to have Mr. Tung Ho Yin, who is Registered Adventure Based Counseling Practitioner as well as Hiking Expeditions Instructor, to be our guest speaker. The talk attracted more than 100 Instructors, Assessors and Award Leaders from different Operating Authorities. Activity report>>

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The 96th Silver Award Presentation (24/04/2018)

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The 96th Silver Award Presentation, officiated by The Hon Matthew CHEUNG Kin-chung, GBM, GBS, JP, the Chief Secretary for Administration, was successfully held on 24 April 2018 (Tuesday) at Pui Ching Primary School, Kowloon. This time we have 352 Silver Awardees and 75 recipients of Certificate of Appreciation (7 years’ & 3 years’ service). The Presentation ended in ardent applause of over 500 recipients and guests. Photo Album>>

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