The Hong Kong Award for Young People Jockey Club Duke of Edinburgh Training Camp Opening Ceremony was successfully held on 27th March 2021 (Saturday). We are delighted to have Guest of Honour The Honourable Mrs. Carrie LAM CHENG Yuet-ngor, GBM, GBS, The Chief Executive of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, together with officiating guests Mr. Caspar TSUI, JP, Secretary for Home Affairs, Mr. Michael T H LEE, JP, Deputy Chairman of Hong Kong Jockey Club, Mr. LO Yan-lai, MH, JP, Chairman of the Award Council, and Mr. Rock CHEN, SBS, JP, the Honorary President of AYP and Trustee of The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award Foundation, to witness a new milestone of AYP. Thanks to the generous donation of over HK$203 million from The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust for training camp redevelopment and related activities, including The Jockey Club “Camily” Project and The Jockey Club Diversity Mentoring Youth Project, the new campsite will provide diversified and all-rounded services to more young people.
CRS Self-enhancement course on ‘Tactic of Navigation’ organized by the Central Registration Unit was successfully held on 20th and 27th November 2020 (Friday) at our headquarter. Our great pleasure to have invited Mr. NG Kam Fu, panel member of Expeditions Section, Mr. POON Ka Hang and Mr. YU Sai Hong, Gold Level instructors of Expeditions Section, to be our guest speakers. 60 Instructors from different Operating Authorities joined the course. Activity Report>>
The 98th Silver Award Presentation was successfully held on 12th October 2020 (Monday) at Ho Fung College (Sponsored by Sik Sik Yuen). We are honoured to have The Hon Mr. Matthew CHEUNG Kin-chung, GBM, GBS, JP, the Chief Secretary for Administration to be our Guest of Honour, and delivered an encouraging speech to our awardees. Silver Award Certificates were presented by Mr. Andy Wing Leung KWOK, JP, Vice-Chairman of Award Council and Certificate of Appreciation (3 years and 7 years of services) were presented by Mr. Yan Lai LO, MH, JP, Chairman of Award Council. The presentation was specially designed to a new format with Anti-COVID measures. Recipients were divided into small groups and maintaining social distancing throughout the event. Photo Album>>
Sharing Session on “Know more about Residential Project Section” organized by the Residential Project Section Panel has been successfully held on 22nd September 2020, Tuesday at Kowloon Award Center and Online Platform . It was our pleasure to have Ms. Chan Oi Wah, Eva (Residential Project Panel Member) and Mr. Lam Wan Ki (Residential Project Assessor from The Boys’ Brigade, Hong Kong Operating Authority) as our guest speakers. The seminar attracted more than 20 Award Leaders, AYP Participants from different Operating Authorities and also RP Section Panel members. Details>>
Stan Group Rogaine Charity Race 2020 organized by The Hong Kong Award for Young People and title sponsored by Stan Group was successfully held on 19 January 2020 (Sunday). Participants and volunteers made it through with steadfast dedication and strong team spirit! There are around 200 teams with over 600 participants took part in the tournament. Special thanks must be given to our volunteers who supported the event. Rogaine Facebook Page>> Please refer to Rogaine website for the competition result and event updates.
Dr. Irene Tang AYP Japan Hiroshima Cycling Expedition 2019 was successfully held from 24th to 31st December 2019 in Hiroshima Prefecture. 10 Hong Kong participants completed a 4-days and 3-nights Gold Level Expeditions Section Assessment Journey. Activity Report>>
Expeditions Annual Seminar 2019 – Tactic of holding oversea Expeditions Training Course (09/12/2019)
Expeditions Annual Seminar on Tactic of holding oversea Expeditions Training Course organized by the Expeditions Section Panel was successfully held on 27th November 2019 (Wednesday) at Pui Ching Middle School. It was our great pleasure to invite Mr. Poon Ka Hang, who is an experienced User Unit Leader and Hiking Expeditions Instructor, to be the guest speaker. The seminar attracted more than 50 Instructors, Assessors and Award Leaders from different Operating Authorities. Activity Report>>
Seminar on “Know more about AED” organized by the Physical Recreation Section Panel has been successfully held on 5th November 2019, Tuesday at The Hong Kong Girl Guides Association. It was our pleasure to have representative Choi Yim Ping, BC C-A&HB as guest speakers. The seminar attracted more than 50 Instructors and Assessors from different Operating Authorities. Activity Report>>
Rogaine Charity Race Photo Exhibition and Forum Sharing Session was successfully held during 27-28 April 2019. We were so grateful to have Mr. Stan TANG, Chairman of Stan Group , Mr. Elton NG, the youngest Hongkonger to conquer Seven Summits and Mr. Elvis MO, photographer for Rogaine, joined the event. We also appreciated the venue sponsorship given by Stan Group. Photo Album>>
AYP, National Geographic and Brand HK have successfully held ‘I SEE HK Photo Camp’ on 19-23 April 2019. Professional National Geographic photographers from all over the world were invited to be the instructors. They taught in total 20 participants to record Hong Kong intangible cultural heritages with photos and represent Hong Kong in their own perspective. Activity Report>>