
Events Report

Gold Award Presentation 2022 (10/12/2022)

By Events Report

The Gold Award Presentation 2022 was successfully held at the Government House on 10 December 2022. We were honoured to have The Honourable Mr John LEE Ka Chiu, GBM, SBS, PDSM, PMSM, Chief Executive of the HKSAR, to be our Guest of Honour and presented certificates to 34 Gold Award Recipients and 8 10 years’ Long Service Volunteers. This year, 3 Gold Awardees shared their Award Journeys on the stage and encouraged other Awardees to pass on the AYP spirit to the next generation. We look forward to having you walk along with us and utilise your strengths to inspire more young people. Photo Album>> Gold Award Presentation Memorial Book>>

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HKAYP BOC Life Rogaine Charity Race 2022 (13/11/2022)

By Events Report

Organised by HKAYP, sponsored by BOC Life, HKAYP BOC Life Rogaine Charity Race 2022 was successfully held on 13 November. This year, Rogaine is an accredited event celebrating the 25th Anniversary of the Establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, with a record high participation of young people. Mr. Clarence Leung Wang Ching, BBS, JP, Under Secretary for Home and Youth Affairs, Mr. Andy Kwok Wing Leung, JP, Chairman of Award Council, Mr. Victor Pang Wing Seng, MH, Vice-Chairman of Award Council, Mr. Wilson Tang Chee Ping, Chief Executive of BOC Group Life Assurance Company Limited, with other guests and Award Council Members attended the kick-off ceremony to encourage our participants in the race on stage. Participants enjoyed carnival games and new-emerged sports at HKAYP Jockey Club Duke of Edinburgh Training Camp after the race. They all spent a cheerful weekend with us.

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Adventure Gold – Gold Level Canoe Adventurous Journey Training Course (01/10/2022)

By Events Report

Organised by AYP, sponsored by Tai Sang Land Development Limited and supported by The Hong Kong Girl Guides Association, “Adventure Gold – Gold Level Canoe Adventurous Journey Training Course” was successfully held this summer. The participants went through their assessment journey by canoeing to the Hong Kong UNESCO Global Geopark from 1st to 4th October after 3-month training. We were honoured to have Dr. LOUIE Hung Tak, Lobo, Senior Lecturer of Department of Health and Physical Education, The Education University of Hong Kong to support our participants. He also set off with the participants and paddled with them for a distance. During the 4-day-3-night journey, they travelled and explored many natural attractions like Yan Chau Tong, Lai Chi Wo, and Kat O, admiring the beauty of the natural features. The participants completed the journey successfully and it would surely be a memorable experience for them.

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The 100th Silver Award Presentation (19/9/2022)

By Events Report

The 100th Silver Award Presentation was successfully held on 19th September 2022 (Monday) at Cotton Spinners Association Secondary School. We are honoured to have The Hon. Mr. Chan Kwok Ki, GBS, IDSM, JP, Chief Secretary for Administration to be our Guest of Honour, and delivered an encouraging speech to our awardees. Mr. Andy Kwok Wing Leung, JP, Chairman of Award Council; Mr. Victor Pang Wing Seng, MH, Vice-Chairman of Award Council, and all guests witnessed the wonderful moments of our awardees. In response to the epidemic situation, the presentation was specially designed in small groups with Anti-COVID measures. Recipients were divided into different locations and maintained social distancing throughout the event. Photo Album>>

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Dr. Irene Tang AYP Residential Project Camp – Feel Your Heart (20/08/2022)

By Events Report

Sponsored by Dr. Irene Tang International Exchange Programme Fund and InnoTier, “Dr. Irene Tang AYP Residential Project Camp – Feel Your Heart” was held successfully on 16 to 20 August. At the closing ceremony of the camp, Mr. Jason Joseph Lee Kwong Yee, Award Council Member and Chairman of Co-ordinating Committee; Dr. Irene Tang Mo Lin, MH, Sponsor of Dr. Irene Tang AYP International Exchange Programme Fund; Ms. Juliana Lam, Award Council Member and the Founder & President of our Green Clothing Sponsor – InnoTier, and other guests also attended the Ceremony. The camp included a varied range of art workshops, games and group activities that embrace the elements of “Downshifting”, “Nature” and “Art”. Participants experienced sand and circle painting to let off their steam, reflecting on the relationship between nature and humans. They also took part in Mindfulness Theatre and Contemporary Dance, expressing their feelings through their gestures.

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Fly My Way Aviation Summer Camp 2022 (16/8/2022)

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With the generous support from Grace Yu Ho Wun Youth Development Fund, AYP co-organised Fly My Way Aviation Summer Camp 2022 Closing Ceremony with Sham Shui Po District Office on 16 August at Hong Kong International Aviation Academy. We are honoured to have Mr Clarence LEUNG Wang Ching, BBS, JP, Under Secretary for Home and Youth Affairs; Mr Paul WONG Yan Yin, JP, District Officer (Sham Shui Po); Mr Andy KWOK Wing Leung, JP, Chairman of Award Council; Ms Grace YU Ho Wun, Sponsor of Grace Yu Ho Wun Youth Development Fund; Mr Benson LUK Hon Man, Legislative Council Member and Ir Simon Li, BBS, President of Hong Kong International Aviation Academy, to attend and witness students’ achievements. The summer camp enables 100 students studying in Sham Shui Po’s secondary schools to acquire fundamental knowledge of the aviation industry, understand industry prospects and enhance themselves for future development through sharing of aviation industry experts and onsite visits.

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AYP “ConNat You and Me” Dinner Gathering (13/6/2022)

By Events Report

In order to align with this year’s theme “ConNat You and Me” and stay connected with our stakeholders, AYP ConNat You and Me Dinner Gathering was successfully held on 13th June. We are honoured to have Mr. Siu Chak Yee, PDSM, PMSM, Commissioner of Police; Mr. Wong Kwok Hing, CSDSM, Commissioner of Correctional Services; Our AYP Team, including Mr. Andy Kwok Wing Leung, JP, Chairman of Award Council, Mr. Victor Pang Wing Seng, MH, Vice-Chairman of Award Council, Dr. Philip Ma Ching Yeung, Hon. Treasurer of Award Council, together with Honorary Advisers, Award Council Members, Committee Members, and 2017-2022 Retired Council Members attended to gather and look into AYP’s future plans together. With this gathering opportunity, Mr. Andy Kwok Wing Leung, JP, Chairman of Award Council presented the Certificate of Appreciation to Retired Council Members of 2020-2022, for showing gratitude to their effort during the pandemic. A Cheque Presentation Ceremony was also held to show appreciation to Ms. Grace Yu Ho Wun, for establishing Grace Yu Ho Wun Youth Development Fund, to help young people expand their horizons and prepare for future career planning.

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Gold Award Presentation 2021 (11/12/2021)

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The Gold Award Presentation 2021 was successfully held at Government House on 11th December. We were honoured to have The Honourable Mrs. Carrie LAM CHENG Yuet-ngor, GBM, GBS, Chief Executive of the HKSAR, to be our Guest of Honour and presented certificates to Gold Award Recipients and 10 years’ Long Service Volunteers! The journey towards Gold Award was not easy during the pandemic. Awardees strived to challenge themselves to achieve their goals. Congratulations to all of you for your hard work! Photo Album>>

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60th Anniversary Celebration Luncheon (4/12/2021)

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To celebrate AYP’s 60th anniversary, AYP 60th Anniversary Celebration Luncheon was successfully held on 4th December 2021. We are honoured to have Mr. John Lee Ka-chiu, SBS, PDSM, PMSM, JP, Chief Secretary for Administration to be our Guest of Honour of this luncheon. Mr. Kevin Yeung Yun-hung, JP, Secretary for Education; Mr. Caspar Tsui Ying-wai, JP, Secretary for Home Affairs; Mr. Tang Ping-keung, PDSM, JP, Secretary for Security; Mr. Simon Peh Yun-lu, SBS, IDSM, Commissioner, Independent Commission Against Corruption; Mr. Siu Chak-yee, PDSM, PMSM, Commissioner of Police; Mr. Edmond Au Ka-wang, IDSM, Director of Immigration; Ms. Louise Ho Pui-shan, CMSM, Commissioner of Customs and Excise, and Mr. Woo Ying-ming, CSDSM, Commissioner of Correctional Services had attended to celebrate with us. We have also shared the joy of AYP Diamond Jubilee with Special Guests, different members from AYP, long-serving volunteers and Gold Awardees! This year is also the 10th Anniversary of Award Network, making this event truly remarkable! Let’s look forward to 60+1 and more fabulous years together!

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Dr. Irene Tang AYP Residential Project Camp – Green to Goal : Create Your Eco Fashion (28/8/2021)

By Events Report

Sponsored by Dr. Irene Tang International Exchange Programme Fund and InnoTier (sponsoring green clothing), “Dr. Irene Tang AYP Residential Project Camp – Green to Goal : Create Your Eco Fashion” was successfully held from 24th to 28th August, 2021!  Through a series of training, games and group activities, 24 young participants have turned recycled clothes into different garment products and eventually learnt to have a sustainable lifestyle. The Camp was organized at The HKAYP Jockey Club Duke of Edinburgh Training Camp in Lam Tsuen, Tai Po. By attending different workshops, participants have not only learnt knowledge upon environmental protection and product design, but also made loads of creative and practical garment products. Besides, they understood the importance of teamwork via camp activities, such as high-event ropes course, which helped them completed the product presentation cum charity sale smoothly at the end. The donation from the charity sale will be spent on AYP’s youth development, which supports the Award to organize diversified Residential Projects in the future.

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