
Events Report

102nd Silver Award Presentation (29/04/2024)

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The 102nd Silver Award Presentation was successfully held on 29 April. We were honoured to have the Guest of Honour, The Hon. Mr. Chan Kwok Ki, GBS, IDSM, JP, Chief Secretary for Administration, to officiate our presentation. Mr. Andy Kwok Wing Leung, JP, Chairman of Award Council, Mr. Victor Pang Wing Seng, MH, Vice-Chairman of Award Council, Award Council Members and guests also came to witness the meaningful moments of our awardees. Ms. Aimee Chan Sze Long, our new Award Council member and past Silver Award Recipient, led 3 of our Silver Award Recipients to share their experience from Silver Award Journey. Through participating in the Award, their lives became more comprehensive. Their sharing encourages those present to strive for a multi-faceted life. Photo Album>>

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Uniformed Groups Chill Fun Day (24/03/2024)

By Events Report

The Uniformed Groups Chill Fun Day was successfully held on 24 March 2024 (Sunday).  We were honoured to have Mr. Eric Chan Sui Wai, JP, Commissioner for Youth, Mr. Andy Kwok Wing Leung, JP, Chairman of Award Council, Mr. Victor Pang Wing Seng, MH, Vice-Chairman of Award Council, Award Council members and guests to attend the closing ceremony and spend a relaxing afternoon with our young people. Students’ mental health issues have been conspicuous in these 2 years. To share a good work vision with our partners, we organised this event for young people from 13 uniformed groups. With a series of adventure challenges and STEAM activities, we aimed to enhance their connection with new friends and relax under the natural surroundings. We truly hope to make the most of the refreshing atmosphere at the camp and serve it as a breathing space for young people to pause and refresh from their busy and high-pressure daily lives. Photo Album>>

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Spring Reception 2024 (22/02/2024)

By Events Report

AYP Spring Reception 2024 was held at The Cityview on 22 February. We are glad to have Mr. Eric CHAN Siu Wai, JP, Commissioner for Youth, Home and Youth Affairs Bureau, Mr. SIU Chak Yee, PDSM, PMSM, Commissioner of Police, and The Hon. Kenneth LEUNG Yuk Wai, JP, Legislative Council Member and Vice-Chairman of Youth Development Commission, to attend our Spring Reception. Mr. Andy KWOK Wing Leung, JP, Chairman of Award Council, Mr. Victor PANG Wing Seng, MH, Vice-Chairman of Award Council and Dr. Philip MA Ching Yeung, Honorary Treasurer of Award Council also shared the joy of Chinese New Year with over 160 guests and AYP supporters. Special thanks to Mr. Spedding Herbert Kinghin from Lok Chi Association for providing the artwork for the beautiful painting on the thank you card and the decorations of the Hall, and also, we are glad to have Lion Dance Team from Buddhist Ho Nam Kam College for celebrating the New Year with us. AYP can’t wait to work with all of you, providing more opportunities and activities to youths. We will continue to collaborate with the government and different organisations in 2024, inspiring young people to unleash their potential. Photo Album>>

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BOC Life Rogaine Charity Race 2024 (28/01/2024)

By Events Report

The annual orienteering charity event “BOC Life Rogaine Charity Race 2024,” organised by the Hong Kong Award for Young People (AYP) and title sponsored by Bank of China Group Life Insurance Company Limited (BOC Life), was successfully held on 28 January 2024. This year, the event saw a participation of over 800, with approximately 60% being young people under the age of 30. We were honoured to have Mr. Clarence Leung Wang Ching, BBS, JP, Under Secretary for Home and Youth Affairs, as the guest of honor, along with Mr. Kwok Wing Leung, JP, Chairman of the Award Council, Mr. Pang Wing Sang, MH, Vice Chairman of the Award Council, Mr. Wilson Tang Chee Ping, Chief Executive of BOC Group Life Assurance Company Limited, Award Council members and other guests to attend the opening ceremony. We hope to encourage all participants, especially young people, to foster a positive and confident outlook by applying the problem-solving skills and never-give-up spirit learned during the race to their daily lives.

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Gold Award Presentation 2023 (12/12/2023)

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The Gold Award Presentation 2023 was successfully held at Government House on 12 December. We were honoured to have The Honourable John Lee Ka Chiu, GBM, SBS, PDSM, PMSM, Chief Executive of the HKSAR, to be our Guest of Honour and presented certificates to 35 Gold Award Recipients and 7 Ten Years Long Service Volunteers! We appreciated Mr. Andy Kwok Wing Leung, JP, Chairman of Award Council, Mr. Victor Pang Wing Seng, MH, Vice-Chairman of Award Council, and Award Council Members for witnessing the wonderful moments of our awardees. We showcased our commitment to environmental protection during the award-sharing section by presenting a Christmas tree assembled plastic bottles collected from “GREEN@COMMUNITY”. This served as a meaningful way to promote the message of environmental protection and bring a festive atmosphere to the event attendees. Two Gold Award Recipients shared their personal experiences, inspiring other recipients to apply the knowledge and skills gained from their Gold Award journeys, and together, continue to uphold the spirit and beliefs of AYP. Photo Album>>

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Gold Level Residential Project – Discover Shanghai (14-19/8/2023)

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Funded by Youth Development Commission and supported by Dr. Irene Tang, MH, AYP organised ‘Gold Level Residential Project – Discovery Shanghai ‘ with the Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award China during summer. 20 Award Participants explored the development of Shanghai, visited corporations and charity groups, experienced sailing, and interacted with young people from Mainland China throughout the 6-day-5-night trip. During the interaction, they shared the differences on culture, education and lifestyle between Hong Kong and Shanghai. They also played group games and had dinner together as well. Glad to see all participants have a deeper understanding of the current situation in Mainland China and have a reflection towards self-development and plan for their future. We hope they can achieve their goals and cherish their friendship built through the programme. Photo Album>> Financial Report>>

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Fly My Way Exchange Programme 2023 (5/7/2023)

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Co-organised by the Civil Aviation University of China, the Hong Kong International Aviation Academy and The Hong Kong Award for Young People, and sponsored by Grace Yu Ho Wun Youth Development Fund, the “Fly My Way Exchange Programme 2023” was successfully held. 25 Participants from Hong Kong and China visited aviation facilities in Tianjin and Hong Kong, and participated in aviation-related courses and exchange activities to learn about the operations and challenges of the aviation industry in the two regions, broaden their horizons and explore development opportunities. The 9-day trip started in Hong Kong, where the participants visited Aviation Services Research Centre@PolyU, Hong Kong Air Cargo Terminals Limited, Civil Aviation Department Headquarters, and the apron and the Backup Air Traffic Control Complex@HK International Airport. They also experienced a flight simulator at the Hong Kong International Aviation Academy. Then they traveled to China to visit the Civil Aviation University of China in Tianjin and got the chance to have a tour around the campus (apron, maintenance hangars, and labs). They also visited the Chinese Aviation Museum and Beijing Daxing International Airport. All students had broadened their horizons and got to have an all-round understanding of the industry and the operations of…

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The 101st Silver Award Presentation (03/04/2023)

By Events Report

The 101st Silver Award Presentation was successfully held on 3 April. It is honoured to have the Guest of Honour, The Hon. Mr. Chan Kwok Ki, GBS, IDSM, JP, Chief Secretary for Administration, to officiate our presentation. Mr. Andy Kwok Wing Leung, JP, Chairman of Award Council, Mr. Victor Pang Wing Seng, MH, Vice-Chairman of Award Council, Award Council Members and guests also came to witness the meaningful moments of our awardees. 3 of our Silver Award Recipients also performed on their skills session stage to share their Silver Award Journey. Through AYP’s activities, they can identify their career goals and interests, and broaden their horizons. Finally, they encourage the recipients to continue their journey towards the Gold Award. Photo Album>>

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Mission S Closing Ceremony (19/03/2023)

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Supported by the Home and Youth Affairs Bureau and organised by the AYP, the closing ceremony of the Aerospace programme – “Mission S” was successfully held on 19 March 2023. We were honoured to have Ms. Alice MAK Mei Kuen, SBS, JP, the Secretary for Home and Youth Affairs, and Mr. Andy KWOK Wing Leung, JP, Chairman of Award Council, to be our honourable guest to present certificates to our participants and officiate the Water Rocket Launching session. Dr Kenny Ma, Representative from the Hong Kong International Aviation Academy, and Award Council Members also came and support our participants. The 3-month programme has 3 themes including Space, Sky and Star which aim to inspire the interest in aerospace technology of the youth. Activities include visiting the restricted area facilities of the Hong Kong International Airport, attending a space seminar at the university, visiting Lee Kum Kee to learn about “space sauce”, participating in Virtual Space Programme which is combined with the STEM elements, stargazing at night camp and making water rockets, etc.

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Spring Reception 2023 (02/02/2023)

By Events Report

Spring Reception 2023 was held at The Cityview on 2 February. We are glad to have Mr. Clarence LEUNG Wang Ching, BBS, JP, Under Secretary for Home and Youth Affairs, Dr. YU Sheng Gao, Inspector for Department of Youth Affairs of the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in the HKSAR, Mr. SIU Chak Yee, PDSM, PMSM, Commissioner of Police, The Hon Kenneth LEUNG Yuk Wai, JP, Legislative Council Member and Vice-Chairman of Youth Development Commission, and Dr. Irene TANG, MH, Sponsor of Dr. Irene Tang International Exchange Programme Fund, to attend our Spring Reception. Mr. Andy KWOK Wing Leung, JP, Chairman of Award Council, Mr. Victor PANG Wing Seng, MH, Vice-Chairman of Award Council and Dr. Philip MA Ching Yeung, Honorary Treasurer of Award Council also shared the joy of Chinese New Year with 150 guests and AYP supporters. Special thanks to the Lion Dance Team from Yuen Long Merchants Association Secondary School for celebrating the New Year with AYP again. The performing students are AYP participants too. AYP will continue to collaborate with the government and different authorities in 2023 to inspire young people to unleash their potentials.

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