Currently, there are about 130 countries or cities operating the Award with over 1,300,000 total youth participants. In Hong Kong, we have 40,000 young people participating in the Award in 18 registered Operating Authorities running more than 700 youth organisations, secondary schools, tertiary institutes, uniformed groups and government departments.
The Past Makes the Future
The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award was initiated by HRH The Duke of Edinburgh because of his concern for young people and their future. He felt that young people needed incentive to direct their energy towards a worthwhile goal. Under the joint effort and guidance of HRH The Duke of Edinburgh, Dr. Kurt Hahn, a famous educationalist, and Lord Hunt, leader of the first team to conquer Mount Everest, the Award was formally announced on 22nd February, 1956.

Mr. George Stokes introduced the Award to Hong Kong.

The first male participant received his Gold Award.

The first woman receiving her Gold Award.

In December, the DEA Headquarters in Homantin commenced services.

The Award encouraged young participants to join. First special needs participant got his Gold Award in 1980.

In the early 60s, the camp was leased to AYP and called the Stokes Camp. It was renamed The Duke of Edinburgh Training Camp in 1983.

The camp was rebuilt later and opened in Lam Tsuen, Tai Po in November.

The DEA Headquarter moved to Cheung Sha Wan in November.

AYP celebrated its 30th Anniversary and hosted the Fourth International Award Forum. 140 delegates from 54 Award countries attended the Forum which was chaired by HRH The Duke of Edinburgh and attended by HRH The Prince Edward.

The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Water Sports Centre in Sai Kung was inaugurated and became a popular training centre.

The Award was renamed as “The Hong Kong Award for Young People” on 1st April which is a milestone for youth work in Hong Kong for 35 years.

Co-organized the H.K. – Guangdong Canoeing Challenge Trip with the Hong Kong United Youth Association in August. It was the first canoe team paddling from Hong Kong to the mainland, thus marking a new record in water sports history in Hong Kong.

AYP hosted the 11th International Gold Event in September. A total of 73 Gold Award holders from 31 countries/cities participated in a 16-day training exchange programme in which three global issues: alleviation of poverty, control of HIV/AIDS and environmental conservation were brought up and discussed.

AYP held “Rogaine 24” – the first 24-hour team challenge of cross country navigation competition in Hong Kong.

With the financial support from SmarTone, “SmarTone AYP International Exchange Programme Fund” was set up to support personal development of the underprivileged youths in Hong Kong.

Expeditions Instructor Central Registration Scheme (CRS) was in full deployment on 1st July.

AYP 50th Anniversary Gala Dinner was successfully held to raise fund. HRH The Earl of Wessex, Prince Edward officiated the Gala Dinner. The Award Network was formed in the same year too.

The Water Sports Centre in Sai Kung was furbished, and changed its name to “The Hong Kong Award for Young People Jockey Club Expeditions Centre”.

Renovation of N.T. Award Centre was carried out in 2014 with a celebration party held on 29th January 2015.

Renovation Project of Duke of Edinburgh Training Camp was carried out and the Groundbreaking ceremony was held on 11th September 2016.

HRH, The Prince Edward, The Earl of Wessex met participants with special needs.
Gold Level participants completed Expeditions Section by a 4-day canoeing journey in Lantau Island.
Dr. Irene Tang AYP International Exchange Programme Fund is
set up with the support from Dr. Irene Tang to aid personal development of the underprivileged youths.

Collaborated with National Geographic and Information Services Department to co-organize “I SEE HK Photo Camp” with the theme of Intangible Cultural Heritages in Hong Kong.

Thanks to the generous donation of over HK$203 million from The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust for training camp redevelopment and programme activities, The Hong Kong Award for Young People Jockey Club Duke of Edinburgh Training Camp resumed operation. The new campsite provides all-rounded services to young people and camp goers.
Marking the 60th Anniversary in Hong Kong, we will continue to provide diversified services to young people to equip themselves and embrace challenges ahead.